American Grand Nationals & H50

I’ve added photos from Teilor’s trip with her cheer team to Vegas. Her team got in second place but Teilor didn’t compete cause of her arm. Congrats Island Elite- Steel Tide 🙂 Also, I’ve added screencaps from Friday’s Christmas Episode.

The American Grand Nationals (December 2014)

5.09-“Ke Koho Mamao Aku”

10,000 HITS <3

10k views on the site! WOW!! Thank You guys for viewing my site and supporting it! Love you guys! I wouldn’t have started this site if it wasn’t for Teilor & her fans (: <3 Thanks for this lovely art work Zezo <3


5.09 Still

Teilor won’t be in the new episode tonight of H5-0 but she will be in episode 5.09 ( the Christmas one ) which airs on December 12th.

5.09-“Ke Koho Mamao Aku” Still

Visiting Shriners Hospital For Children

Teilor & a few other cast memembers of 5-0 visiting Shriners Hospital for Children Yesterday. It’s nice to see Teilor being a part of that. Here is a few photos from the visit:

Shriners Hospital For Children


OH MY! Teilor is 13 now! Boy,time sure has flown by fast since she started H5-0 at the lovely age of nine. Happy Birthday Teilor! Hope you have an amazing day! <3 (Don't forget to wish her a Happy Birthday on twitter or instagram )


I’ve added tons of caps to the gallery!

SOTB Power1043 Caps

Disney Aulani Part 10 Caps

SOTB Interview With Hawaii Mom Blog Caps

Hawaii Five-O 100th Eppy Celebration Caps

Young Hawaii & Power1043 Interview Caps