August’s Fan Of The Month

I picked the owner of Teilorx50 on instagram to be this months fan of the month 🙂 Here is Jack’s story:

“I think she’s a really good actor and I like her vlogs and she’s a good person. I really like all the 5-0 members but she’s one of my favorites.”

Follow Teilorx50 if you have an Instagram page.

Teilor’s Contest

Teilor has a contest going on to win a $100 gift card to a clothing site called Grey Bandit. You can check out their page here: GreyBandit for more details go to this link: TeilorsContest The contest ends on 6/18 😛 GOOD LUCK!

June’s Fan Of The Month

This month I picked Lilou to be the fan of the month for June. She’s a pretty sweet person and has a awesome fanpage for Teilor… TeilorGrubbs.TheQueen go on and check it out (:

Here is her story:

“The beginning of Hawaii 5-0, I watched it with my family. I fell in love with the series and I’ve love the character Grace. I looked who the actress was and saw Teilor. I was like WOW! She is beautiful and older than I saw her on h50. So I decided to make a fan account and it’s been great! I love her so much and everyone must know how fantastic she is.”

May’s Fan Of The Month :)

This month I picked Harry to be the fan of the month for May. He’s a pretty nice guy and he has a lovely fanpage for Teilor… Teilorsbiggestfan go on and check it out (:

Here is his story:

“It all started when I watched the first few episodes of the first season of Hawaii 5-0, and from then I knew Teilor would be a star in the making! As she got older..I realized just how amazing she is! How someone who is so willing to communicate with her fans. Not many celebrities and actors would take the time out of their day to do that. From then on..she has had a special place in my heart, and I am so grateful to be able to call her a friend.”