April’s Fan Of The Month

This month I picked DJ to be the fan of the month for April. He’s a pretty awesome dude and has an amazing page for Teilor… TeilorGrubbsedits go on and check it out (:

Here is story:

“I became a fan of Teilor because she’s extremely nice and cares about all of her fans. I also really like her acting on H50.”

Photoshoot With Paulo Cruz

Teilor did a shoot with Paul Cruz at Venice Beach. It was the same day she was upset cause she had a zit but honestly..the photos turned out AMAZING and what zit? 😛 – Teilor you’re beautiful no matter what and if you guys don’t believe me..check out the photos and the video down below. Also check out Paulo’s amazing work here: Paulo Cruz Media Also..Credit to him for the photos & the video.

Shoot With Paulo Cruz


February’s Fan Of The Month

This month I picked Nerea to be this month’s fan of the month. She runs a lovely fanpage for Teilor which is called: _Teilorkgrubbs_ go on and check it out (:

Here is her story:

“I’ve been a fan for 2 to 3 years and she has inspired me in many things and I’m very impressed by her.”

The Dawn Movie On Set

Teilor is filming her movie called “The Dawn” It’s a thriller/drama. Teilor plays as Young Rose and here are few pics of her on set thanks to Amconstance on Insta.

On Set Of The Dawn

January’s Fan Of The Month / Happy New Year’s

This month I picked Helin to be this month’s fan of the month. Check out their cute fanpage on instagram: TeilorGrubbsss Also..Happy New Year’s. It’s a day late but oh well (: I hope everyone had a good one. There might be some new goodies on the site..probably a new theme and of course new updates so go on and bookmark us so you can keep up with the updates 😀

Here is their story on why they became a fan of Teilor’s:
“I’ve been a fan of Teilor’s for about 3-4 years. When I first saw her on Hawaii Five – O..I ended up loving her.”