Q&A’s With Teilor (:



A while back..I posted about sending in some questions for Teilor to answer and she finally had a chance to do so. So, check out the answers and see if your question was one of them (:


H5-0 Season 6 Blessing

Teilor attended the H5-0 Blessing for Season 6 yesterday. I’ve uploaded some caps of Teilor from the event to the gallery:



Two years ago, I decided to create a fansite for Teilor cause I felt that she deserved one for all her hard work and so her fans could have a place to go find the latest news, photos and more! I didn’t expect it to be so big but I thank everyone of you for visiting and all. If it wasn’t for you guys, this site wouldn’t be so hot. lol.. I also want to thank Teilor for just being herself and for loving the site as well! It’s all for you and I will continue to support you through the years! So thank you! (:

-Owner of TGF



Teilor attended the ESPN Sports fest yesterday, signing autographs and all. I’ve uploaded a few pics from the event to the gallery, check em out!


1×18 `Loa Aloha` Screencaps

I finally was able to screencap Teilor’s part in episode Loa Aloha. I need to do one more episode for season one but my first disc is all messed up :/.


Ask Teilor Questions


Teilor agreed in doing a little interview with me and besides me only asking questions, i’m having the fans do it as well! There is a catch though…Since I don’t want to bother her with over 74837493 questions, i’m gonna be picking some out and your question could be included in the interview (: So, if you want to leave one..follow us on instagram, twitter or facebook.

Here are our links:




Celebrating & Volunteering

Teilor celebrated Chef Morimoto 60th Birthday on (May 24th) and Volunteered at the Special Olympics today. It’s nice to see her being a part of an event like that. Don’t you agree?- Check out the photos below:

Volunteering at the Special Olympics (May 30th)


Celebrating Chef Morimoto 60th Birthday (May 24th)


H-50 News

Hawaii Five-O has been renewed for Season 6. Hopefully we get to see Teilor in more episodes (: #veryhappy